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The WereNet "Geek Code"

Here is the original WereCode as written by SabreLion. Of course, I couldn't let anything go up on these pages without a little updating from yours truely *g*.

Were Geek Code Version .09c
By SabreLion (sabre@slash.net) - 3/98
Edited by Jakkal (jakkal@were.net) for use on WereNet. 8/99


Universal modifiers

Part 1: Your "were-side"
W -- Were species
A -- Art
H -- Howl Attendance
I -- IRCing/MUCKing
N -- WereNet News registered
S -- "Scritches"
T -- Transformation
Wr -- Writing
F -- Feelings on Furries
N -- Noises
E -- Environmental Awareness
C -- Commercialism
Nk-- Nickname

Part 2: Your "human-side"
RL -- What your occupation is in Real Life
a-- Age
c-- Computers
g -- Games (Video)
r -- RolePlaying
e -- Education
w -- Real life "wereness" factor
h -- Housing
i -- Internet
p -- Pets
s -- "Real Life" sex


It seems like everyone nowadays has a so-called "Geek Code" on UseNet. I thought it was about time that the "Were community" have something similar of its own for WereNet and/or AHWW usage. If it's been done before, I'm sorry, but it wasn't publicized enough. :">
I used the "Furry Geek Code" as the basis partially due to the fact that I'm lazy and needn't reinvent the wheel, and some of it pertained directly to weres, granted most did not.
PLEASE use the code and proliferate it all over the place. If you have any questions or additions to the code, please mail me at sabre@slash.net

I'd like to thank the lame furry who made the original Furry Geek Code waay back in '96. Without his hours and hours of devotion, I would have otherwise had to waste more time than necessary to get this thing done. Thanks for allowing me to remain lazy, whoever the hell you are.

2/24/98 - 0.8b - The first incarnation. Why start at 0.8b? Don't ask me. Anyway, this version is text based and still just a pure hack of the furry geek code.

3/3/98 - 0.9c -The first incarnation in HTML! Lots of new stuff added.

Universal modifiers

These symbols can be attached to any of the standard codes, to indicate some unusual or uncertain factor.

? Indicates that you haven't decided where you fall in the category, or that you have no opinion one way or another. This replaces the normal suffix.
Example:If you haven't decided what species you are, you would use W?.
~ Indicates an approximation. You normally fit the given code, but it varies from time to time, or you're not completely sure. Placed between prefix and suffix, or sometimes between parts of the suffix.
Example: If you haven't quite decided what species you are, but are leaning towards being a wolf (egads), you might use W~WF. If you're sure you're some sort of canine, but not quite sure you're specifically a wolf, you might use WC~F.
/ Indicates that you fit into more than one type. This means two or three specific types, perhaps varying depending on your mood, not uncertainty over a wide range of types. Placed between the two suffixes.
Example: If you're sometimes a fox and sometimes a lynx, you would use WCF/FX (or WFX/CF, depending on which one you think is dominant). [Note, this is stupid.] Also see next.
& Same as above. Used infrequently.
! Indicates a positive refusal to participate in this category. Unlike ?, which means you haven't made up your mind yet, ! means you have made up your mind that you want nothing to do with this subject, for or against it. Placed before the code.
Example: !W means "I am NOT were (or any derivative thereof)" [In which case, you shouldn't bloody be here) (unlike W?, which means "I haven't decided what species I am. I'll let you know when one of the Great Totems returns my phone call with an answer.)
> Indicates that you currently fit one code, but hope to move to another in the future. Placed between two suffixes.
Example: Sm+>Sf++ means you're currently a male who gets good sex but you desire to be a female who gets better sex...err...bad example. Anyway...
$ Indicates that you actually make money in Real Life out of this. It doesn't have to be your primary day job, just a source of significant income. Placed after the suffix.
Example: A professional whore might use the code Sf++++$.
# Indicates that you prefer to keep this information to yourself. This replaces the normal suffix.
Example: sm# means "I'm male but it's none of your damned business what my sex life (or lack thereof) is like", while s# means "I'm not even telling you which sex I am."

Part 1: Your "WereSide"
W - Were species

This code indicates what species your were species is. You can indicate your exact species, or just a general type if your "animal" doesn't fit into a particular species.
There's a subtle difference between using "generic" codes and using the ? modifier. For example, WC means you're a canine, but don't fit one of the known species, while WC? means you haven't decided which specific type of canine you are. Similarly, W? means you don't know what kind of were you are, while WG means you do have a definite shape, but it's just a kind of "generic were," not any particular species.
Obviously the list of species here can only cover some of the more common ones. In some cases, I haven't broken down the codes to the level of individual species, because that would lead to too many different codes; instead, I've used more generic terms (e.g. "deer" or "mongoose"). If you don't fit any of these, put the name of your species in square brackets after your code (e.g. WP[Nastafarasta]). Let me know if you think some species not listed here is sufficiently common in Weredom to deserve its own code.

WA : Avians

WAA Albatross; WAD Duck; WAE Eagle; WAF Falcon; WAG Seagull; WAH Hawk; WAK Kiwi; WAO Owl; WAR Raven; WAS Sparrow; WAW Wren

WAr : Artiodactyla (two-toed hoofed animals)

WArA Antelope; WArB Buffalo; WArC Cattle; WArD Deer; WArE Camel; WArF Giraffe; WArG Goat; WArL Llama; WArM Moose; WArN Gnu; WArP Pig; WArR Reindeer; WArS Sheep; WArW Warthog; WArZ Gazelle

WC : Canidae (wolf family)

WCA Arctic fox; WCC Coyote; WCD Dingo; WCF Fox; WCJ Jackal; WCM Domestic mutt; WCW Wolf; WCX Maned wolf

WCh : Chiroptera (bat family)

WChF Flying fox or fruit bat; WChV Vampire bat

WCt : Cetacea (whale family)

WCeD Dolphin; WCeW Whale

WD : Dragons, dinosaurs, and other reptiles

WDA Alligator or crocodile; FDC Coelurosaur (Velociraptor etc); FDD Dragon; FDK Carnosaur (Tyrannosaurus etc); FDL Lizard; FDS Snake; FDT Tortoise or turtle

WE : Equidae (horse family)

WED Donkey; FEH Horse; FEZ Zebra

WEd : Edentata

WEdA Anteater; FEdR Armadillo; FEdS Sloth

WF : Felidae (cat family)

WFB Bobcat; WFC Clouded leopard; WFD Domestic cat; WFH Cheetah; WFJ Jaguar; WFL Lion; WFM Puma/cougar/mountain lion; WFCL Caracal; FFO Ocelot; WFP Leopard/panther; WFS Snow leopard; FFT Tiger (b = Bengal, s=Siberian, Sumatran, w=white); WFV Serval; WFW Wild cat; WFX Lynx

WG : Generic were

WH : Herpestidae (mongoose family)

WHK Meerkat; WHM Mongoose

WHy : Hyaenidae (hyena family)

WHyH Hyena

WI : Insectivora

WIH Hedgehog

WIM Mole

WL : Lagomorpha (rabbit family)

WLH Hare; WLJ Jackrabbit; WLR Rabbit

WM : Mustelidae (weasel family)

WMA Sable; WMB Badger; WME Ermine/stoat; WMF Ferret; WMK Mink; WMM Marten; WMO Otter; WMP Polecat; WMR Ratel/honey badger; WMS Skunk; WMV Wolverine; WMW Weasel

WMa : Marsupialia

WMaB Wombat; WMaK Kangaroo; WMaO Koala; WMaP Possum; WMaT Tasmanian devil; WMaW Wallaby

WMo : Monotremata

WMoP : Platypus

WP : Procyonidae (raccoon family)

WPR Raccoon

WPi : Pinnipedia (seal family)

WPiL Sea lion; WPiS Seal

WR : Rodentia

WRB Beaver; WRG Grey squirrel; WRM Mouse; WRP Porcupine; WRR Rat; WRS Red squirrel; WRU Muskrat

WUBDS : Ursidae (bear family)

WUABDS Polar bear; WUBDS Black bear; WUGBDS Grizzly bear/brown bear/Kodiak bear; WUPBDS Giant panda

WV : Viverridae (civet family)

WVC Civet

WK: Wookiee

WX : Other mythical creatures

WXC Manticore; WXG Gryphon; WXH Hippogriff; WXM Mermaid/merman ; WXW Wendigo ; WXK Kzin ; WZ : Polymorph (you change shape at will, with no "normal" shape)

After identifying your basic were species, one or more modifiers may be added to indicate variations on the theme:

t : Totem
ps: Were-Physical Shifter
a : Affinity
ms: Were Mental-Shifter
fw : "Furry Were"
f : "Furry"
ss: Were Spiritual-Shifter

Next, add a number to indicate where you fall on the human-to-animal scale:

1 : Basically human, with minor "furry" features (perhaps eyes, nose, ears, claws, some fur, etc)
2 : Humanoid, with significant furry features (muzzle, tail, etc); this includes centaurs and mer-people
3 : Anthropomorphic animal (or taur) [Mix of Human and animal traits; walks upright, digitigrade or plantigrade)
4 : Equally comfortable on two or four legs (or, if you're a taur, on four or six)
5 : Animal shape, with some unusual features (perhaps hands, speech, etc); this includes most dragons, gryphons, etc
6 : Non-morphic, normal animal
7 : Human, through and through (And you're here because...)

A- Art

Many weres like to draw. We're not addicted to it as many furries are, nor are artists worshipped, nonetheless, I thought I'd include it as a category since I can't think of something better.

A++++ Art is my life (or lack thereof)
A+++ My art appears regularly in magazines and elsewhere, and people ask me to contribute to their sketchbooks
A++ I do commissions and draw as a favour for friends.
A+ I draw regularly, and someone once said something that could possibly be construed as a compliment
A I've shown one or two of my pictures to others, and they actually didn't hurl.
A- Tried a few sketches in the privacy of my own home
A-- Never tried
A--- Never tried, never will
A---- Art SUCKS! Give me National Geographic any day over this crap.
A----- SPOOGE! I draw spooge! Lots of it! You can never have too much spooge! YERF!

H - Howls (Meows, Roars, Chuffs, etc.)
Which of the following Howls/Growls/Roars/Chuffs/Squeaks, etc. have you been to? (In BAD need of help here....email me the full list if you would...anyone...Bueller...)
Please send Pinky (pinky@were.net) information on other howls!

Sabre's 1997 Meow


Pinky's 1997 NC Howl


Pinky's 1998 NC Howl


Pinky's 1999 NC Howl


1998 SE Howl


1999 SE Howl

(+ means that you hosted said Howl)

If you have been to more than one social function, type in an ampersand (&) between them.


Are you on WereNet IRC? (Or the maybe-to-be MUCK..)

I+++++ I'm on more than Cody and Arroobot.
I++++ I LIVE there!
I+++ I'm opped by Arroobot and/or am there at least a couple hours a day
I++ I log in at least once a day
I+ I log in every now and then, yes
I I've been there, possibly will be again in the future.
I- IRC does nothing for me, so I don't use it.
I-- IRC is evil
I--- WereNet is the SPAWN of SATAN himself! (Sabre) I refuse to let it contaminate my sacred Packard Bell once more!
a - I talk to weres using an IRC network other than WereNet
b - I use IRC but don't talk to weres on it

N - News and Newsgroups

This indicates that you use News.

N+++ I'm a frequenter a news server. I post almost daily.
N++ I post frequently.
N+ I sometimes post.
N I'm on, but you wouldn't know it if you weren't around for my monthly post
N- News sucks. I hate it.
a - On AHWW only
b: On WereNet only
c: On WereNet and AHWW
d: On neither WereNet nor AHWW
e: On another Newsgroup or BBS

S - Scritches

"Scritching," a term used in place of "scratching" is usually a friendly greeting between weres, sometimes used as a -very- light term of affection.

H+++ If it moves, I'll scritch it (if it doesn't move, I'll scritch it until it moves)
H++ I'll scritch anyone I know, given a faint excuse
H+ I'll accept scritches, and maybe even give the occasional one
H Well, OK, you can scritch me if you really want to.
H- Please don't, unless we know each other very well
H-- No way
H--- Argh! Don't touch me, you pervert!
H---- RAPE!!! RAPE!!!!

T - Transformation

Do you physically shift?

Too complicated.
T++++ All the time, day in, day out, as a matter of fact, I'm shifting as we speak!
T+++ Whenever I want to, yes.
T++ Only on full moons. Arrooo!!!!!!!
T+ When the planets are lined up properly, when I'm one with myself, and focus, yes..
T Sure. Don't ask the details.
T- I don't believe Physical Shifting is within the realm of reality as we know it. In other words, I can't.
T-- I can't and anyone who says they can is full of shit.
T--- We must KILL all those who change form!! Grab the magnum and silver bullet....
Wr - Writing

For those who have tried their paw at telling us some grim (or even not-so-grim) were tales.

W++++ I've out-sold Michael Crichton
W+++ I've sold a novel
Wr++ I've sold a story to a magazine
Wr+ I've written for a fanzine
Wr I've written a story that somebody else has read
Wr- I have these scribblings but nobody is ever going to see them!
Wr-- Never written a word of fiction. Never, I say unto thee!!
Wr--- I've bought a book before...does that count?
Wr---- me want rite good giv mee pensil now!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who have made sales, use Wr+ etc if your stories or books are were-related, W* etc if not.
F - Your feelings on Furries

How you feel about furries in general.

F+++++ I AM a furry! YIFF!! YIFF!! YIFF!!!!!!
F+++ I hang out with a few of them. I could be a furry easily. It's NBD.
F++ A few of my friends are furs. They're okay.
F+ They're cool. Nothing wrong with them.
F Neutral.
F- Hate 'em.
F-- DEATH to ALL furs! They're the scum of the earth
F--- Weres are the ULTIMATE, SUPREME beings! Furries are imposters and MUST be eradicated.
N - Noises

I know it's strange, but it must be included. Some of us make noises that may be construed as non-human animal related, ie a wolf whimpering IRL when something goes awry, a tiger growling IRL at a stupid computer that he's trying to install Win95 on at work ... anyway, you get the drift.

N++++ Mrowr, rrawr. Rrr, mrawr rawr chuff! Rrrff errr mrrrowr. (Felid used as example...insert whatever noise you'd properly make)
N+++ Well, rrrr...sometimes, I ..uhm...erf...talk like that but, hrrr...not all the time though, mind you, RUFF!
N++ Erf? You talking to me?
N+ Sometimes I'll do it, but usually I can avoid it. I'm prone to growl when something pisses me off.
N Only around other weres.
N- I do not make "animalistic" sounds. 'tis uncivil.
N-- I think people who make these "animalistic" noises need to be shot. Now.
N--- I'm mute, damnit! It doesn't bloody matter!
E - Environmental Awareness

I like to think that most "weres" are environmentally conscious and do all they can do help the environment. This generally shows how active you are in protecting the Earth, environment, and animals. RE: The car part, you don't necessarily have to have a car in the class. Simply select the group you'd best fit/see yourself fitting into. See modifiers below.

E+++++ I want to be the president of the EPA. I recycle all of my aluminum cans and everyone else's, regardless of if its full or not. Hell, I buy 24-packs just to recycle them. I go around the neighborhood daily to pick up and recycle all of the newspapers left in driveways past 9am. I use only recycled paper. There is not one piece of paper in my house with any empty writable surface on it, as I make sure the WHOLE sheet is put to good use. My computer is built out of recycled parts, my log cabin uses solar energy. I've marched in at least one anti-pollution parade, and my favorite TV show is Captain Planet, though TV is evil because it spews harmful radiation. I OWN (or want to own) a public exotic animal compound. I drive a Ford Aspire (or car in the same class)
E++++ I use recycled goods whenever possible. I go out of my way to place trash in bins, growl at those who pollute, and am concerned about the Ozone layer and Carbon Monoxide gasses damaging our planet, thus hurting the world's animals and their habitats. I work (or wish I could work) at an exotic animal compound. My car gets better than 28 miles to the gallon. (or truck, 23 miles to the gallon)
E+++ I use recycled goods when it's convenient. Occasionally, I may throw away someone else's trash if it's not too grody looking. I help out (or would, if convenient) at animal compounds. My car gets better than 26 miles to the gallon. (Or truck, 20 miles to the gallon)
E++ I recycle cans occasionally. I've been to a petting zoo and enjoy animals, and I guess it's cool to help them and the Earth out. My car gets better than 23 miles to the gallon. (Or truck, 18 miles to the gallon)
E+ If you give me a bin that looks like a trash but says recycle, I'll pitch in. Don't expect me to walk around holding cans or saving them at home until I find a recycling center. I mean, I think it's cool, but unless someone else makes it really easy for me to recycle, I'm not gonna. I do, however, like animals, thusly it doesn't pain me to recycle a can or two, or use old paper for scratch notes. My car gets better than 20 miles to the gallon. (Truck, 16)
E Yeah, uh huh. I've done it. I can crush a can and toss it in a green receptacle. My car is old and gets less than 20 miles to the gallon. I can't afford a new one, damnit.
E- Nope. Never have, never will. It's a fad. My car gets more than 16 miles to the gallon on a good day (12 if a truck)
E-- Recycling is for weenies.
E--- o/~ Nuke the world, make it a sweltering place...for you and for me and the entire human race ... o/~
a - Regarding the mileage thing, I don't think it's relevant.
b - I wish my car got better mileage and if I could, I'd get a car that did, but finances restrain me.
c - I wish my vehicle got better mileage, but it's for work, and there's really nothing I can do.
d - I want a bloody electric car!!
e - I wish my vehicle got better mileage, but I'm a sports vehicle enthusiast..and that takes priority.
f - I wish my vehicle got worse mileage and required 93 octane fuel. I'm masochistic that way.
g - I want a Saturn. Those cars are AWESOME.
h - I want a Saturn SUV. I need the cargo space, but love the plastic body sides and good fuel economy.

C - Commercialism

If you're a wolf, do you buy EVERYTHING (or most everything...within financial reason) that has to do with (were)wolves, shifting, etc. and listen to (were)wolf music, wear (were)wolf shirts whenever possible, have (were)wolf bumper stickers on your car, (were)wolf posters on your wall, and read mostly (were)wolf related books? That's what we're getting at here. How much have you bought into the human commercialism of your species?

C++++ YES! I buy EVERYTHING I can get my grubby paws on that is REMOTELY related to my species! If there's a sports team named after my species, I ALWAYS root for them regardless of where I live or if they're playing against my home team.
C+++ Most of the time, yes. Save for a few exceptions...I refuse to brush my teeth with a toothbrush that looks like my species.
C++ Quite often, yes. My walls are covered in my species' pictures, and at least 50% of my wardrobe has my species on it.
C+ I've got a few shirts (4-8) and a few posters and quite a bit of other paraphernalia.
C I've got a couple shirts and maybe one or two other species-related stuff. What exactly, escapes me at this time.
C- I don't care for commercialised products.
C-- I dislike it. I think that "weres" should focus more on making themselves better "weres" and helping their species than their human appearances. Rather than buying all of that paraphernalia, wouldn't it be better to send the money to a compound or organization? I mean, it's kinda ironic, but true.
C--- I will KILL anyone who commercialises my species. Damnit, I INVENTED MY SPECIES!!! If someone is to make money off of it, it'll be me...the nerve of some people...sheesh...
a - My species (or one) is from a work of fiction, therefore I couldn't donate money to a group if I wanted to.
b - I didn't buy any of the stuff. It was all given to me by friends and relatives.
c - Most of the stuff was given to me by friends and relatives without me requesting or hinting them.
d - I bought all but one or two of the things I have.
e - I still send money to or spend time at an exotic sanctuary/sponser an animal regardless of my commercial-related purchases. So nyah.

Nk - Nickname

Most all of us have nicknames. To use myself as an example, my coworkers call me "Geoff" whereas most weres I know call me "Sabre." My roommates call me "Geoff" or "Sabre" depending. My "whole" nick is "SabreLion" but most call me "Sabre." "Sabre" would still be considered my nick, just as I call any wolf who happens to be close simply "woof." If more than one woof is present, I get more descriptive, nevertheless, I digress...

Nk+++ I'm always referred to as my "were" nickname. At work, at home, by my friends. I might as well change my legal name.
Nk++ Most of my friends know me by my "were" nickname, along with a bit of my family. It's not uncommon for my mother/wife to call me by my nick. I'd rather be addressed by my nick in any given situation.
Nk+ Other "weres" call me by my nick and a few close friends know, too. If you're a good friend, by all means, call me by my nick.
Nk Only other weres call me by my nick. Call me by my real name unless you know me/want to know me.
Nk- Nobody calls me by my nick. That's just an online thing. I won't answer if you call me anything other than my real name.
Nk-- Nobody calls me by my real name or were name; both are equally unpronounceable.
a - I'm called a derivative of my nick, not the whole thing, as most deem me not worthy of the extra syllables.
b - I ask to be called a derivative of my nick. (Brackets may be used to show the most common derivative. For example, I'd use "Nkb[Sabre]+")
c - Email me and I'll tell you what to call me if you're in dire need to know.
d - I'm called different things by different people. None of which is my nick. Go figure.

Part 2: Your "Human Side"
RL - What you do in "Real Life"
Unfortunately, (most of us...) can't yet be non-human animals in Real Life so we have to find something else to do...namely life This code indicates what you do for a living, or what you're studying to do for a living, or what you do to avoid living.

(The $ modifier shouldn't be used here, since it's taken for granted that this represents your day job, or the nearest thing you have to one.)

RLBM Business/management
RLC Craft
RLCI Construction industry
RLCT Computers/information technology
RLE Engineering
RLET Education/teaching
RLF Farming
RLFB Finance/banking
RLGP Government/public service
RLLW Literature/writing
RLM Music
RLMA Military/armed forces
RLMC Media/communications
RLMH Medicine (human)
RLRB Retail business
RLS Science
RLTH Theatre
RLTI Transport industry
RLVM Veterinary medicine
s - Student, studying for degree in this field..ie a CS major would be RLCTs


RLAT- I'm a were of all trades
RLU- Undecided.
RL-- No qualifications.
(Please mail me if another needs to be added)

a - Age
So, how long have you been inhabiting this little pebble in space as a human being?

a++++ 60+ years
a+++ 50-59 years
a++ 40-49 years
a+ 30-39 years
a 20-29 years
a- 10-19 years
a-- Under 10 years
If you prefer, you can use a number to indicate your exact age rather than using one of the approximate codes. Example: If you're 30, you could use a+ or a30 (or a#, of course).
c - Computers
Since you're probably reading this on a computer screen, there's a good chance you have some familiarity with the technology unless you're having someone read this to you. Use this code to tell us how much of a "Were Computer Geek" you are.

c++++ I work for one of the 4 largest computer companies in the world and STILL come home to play on my computer!
c+++ I do some administrative work and COULD be called a guru, I guess.
c++ Computers are a large part of my life. I named my dog Altair.
c+ Computers are fun; I can use some software without resorting to the manual!
c It gets me on IRC to talk to all of these imaginary people inside the computer! That's all I need it for.
c- It's not mine...it's my (insert other person here)'s ... if I touch anything but mIRC, I may start a global thermonuclear war...I think.
c-- Computers RULE! I just got this new Packard Bell Pentium 166MMX and I'm.....
c--- Burn them. Burn them ALL!!!
If your rating is at least c, add one or more of the following letters (just after the c) to indicate your preferred operating environment:
a - AmigaOS
b - BSD Unix
be - BeOS
d - MS-DOS
l - Linux
m - MacOS
m2 - MacOS Rhapsody
nt - Windows NT 3.51/4/5
95 - Windows 95
98 - Windows 98
o - OS/2 Warp
os - Open/NEXT Step
u - Unix (commercial..ie Irix, Solaris, Digital UNIX, SCO, etc.)
v - VMS (VAX/Open)
w - Windows 3.x

G - Games
Do you play video games?

g+++ I go to the arcades, have a PSX, Saturn, AND N64 AND have a Voodoo2 on which I play games on my PC...
g++ I know the names of all of the Street Fighter games and have at least one game system
g+ Fireballs and Dragon Punches are neat. I like playing as Ryu.
g Pac man rules. wakka-wakka-wakka-wakka...
g- They are an utter waste of time.
g-- I had a game system, then I destroyed it.
g--- Does my Packard Bell playing Solitaire count?
r - Roleplaying
Do you roleplay? (Not necessarily meaning online or pretend to be a were...this relates to dice-based and computer-based RPGs.)

r+++ Every day, every night. WAIT! Is that a dragon outside?! Quick! Roll the dice so I can kill it!! I need Experience points, damnit!!
r++ At least once a week with my group.
r+ Every now and again...at least once every couple of months.
r Sure...when I feel like it.
r- No. I know of better ways to waste time.
r-- Why would I want to do something as silly as that? I'd rather be living in this reality; it's interesting enough.
e - Education
How far have you managed to crawl up the academic ladder?

e+++++ Doctorate, or the equivalent
e++++ Master's degree, or the equivalent
e+++ Bachelor's degree, or the equivalent
e++ Some tertiary education
e+ Some work-related technical certification (CNE, A+, MCP, MCSE, etc. for Computer Tech.-related)
e Finished high school
e- Haven't finished high school
e-- Haven't started high school
e--- ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP, QRS, TUV, WXY and Z... (or, "WXY Zehd, you see," if you speak British English..)
w - "Real Life" Wereness factor
How far does wereness spill over into your "other" life?

w++++ I am not part human, I am ALL ANIMAL!!!! Hear me roar, howl, chuff, growl, and make other obnoxious noises!
w+++ Rrawr? ARF!! Erf? Grrrwl...
w++ I enjoy milkbones or purina.
w+ I wear a shirt that has an animal on it every day. Maybe it'll make me an animal or something...I don't know..nevermind.
w I make an occasional reference to my wereness. About as much as I mention what kind of engine is under the hood of my car (for most of us, this applies, noted exceptions: Blackwolf, Dreamwolf)
w- o/~ Listen....do you want to know a secret....do you promise not to tell ... o/~
w-- I tell nobody!
w--- My cat/dog knows.
h - Housing
What sort of home do you live in?

h++++ Maried w/o children
h+++ Married w/o children and I have someone else to...er..play with.
h++ I live in a "Werehouse"
h+ Living with one or more people who know nothing about wereness
h Living alone, other weres come to visit just so they can get access to my ISDN line
h- Living alone, get out once a week to buy food, all surfaces covered with toys.
h-- Living in a cave with 47 computers and an Internet feed
h* I'm still stuck living with my parents, who suck.
h** I'm not sure where I live any more; my workplace/lab seems like home to me
h*** o/~ Homeless (Homeless...) Homeless ... (boom, boom...) o/~
h**** I have offspring and am married, unfortunately.
i - Internet
The Internet, and its various sub-media and related media , is the leading medium of communication among weres. Has it changed your life? If so, how badly are you addicted?

i++++ I have a dedicated ISDN (or higher) with my own Class-C subnet address, at least two UNIX servers, and I have another machine (or two) to play on. I also use the 'net at work.
i+++ I'm a Webmaster/site sysadmin, mortal.
i++ I spend most of my spare time on IRC or news.
i+ I read a handful of newgroups and use email.
i I have a browser and a connection, and even use them occasionally.
i- Not connected yet
i-- The Internet sucks...umm...that's all I have to say about that.
i--- It RULEZ! I love this this thing! It's DAMNED fast on my 56k connection (that it says I get all the time!!!) and AOL is abso-fucking-lutely AWESOME on my brand new Packard Bell P-166 MMX.....
Add a "w" after the "i" if you have your own home page on the Web; make it wf if your page mentions weres.
p - Pets
If you have any pets....

p+++++ I run and own a wildlife sanctuary with at least 12 animals
p++++ I have at least two pets, both are exotic, and will kill you if you trespass on my property.
p+++ It's not just ANY rabbit....
p++ Several pets..dogs, cats..something like that. Oh! And a goldfish named Walley.
p+ Two or three conventional pets (cats, dogs, etc), or one fairly exotic one
p One pet of a fairly conventional type (cat, dog, etc)
p- No pets currently, but I may enrich my life in the future.
p-- I don't have any pets; my lifestyle/household/schedule is complicated enough already. I'm like...Scrooge..or something.
p--- I wouldn't have the things in the house [are you sure you're a were?]
p* I'd like to have pets, but my landlord/parents/flatmates won't allow them
p** Sorry, I'm allergic to animals

s - "Real Life" sex
Use this code, if you wish, to describe your sex and sex life. You should feel free to use the # ("mind your own business") or ! ("nothing to do with me") modifiers if you prefer.

First, which sex are you?

sf - Female
sm - Male
su - undecided

If you wish to reveal any details of your sex life, use one of these codes:

s+++ No time to type...OOOH!! That feels good....err..umm..I get it enough.
s++ I have 110 mates, am mated to a bear, and live in the Bay Area
s+ I've had real, live sex ... and it was fun!
s I've had sex ... oh, you mean with someone else?
s- Not having sex by choice
s-- Not having sex because I can't get any
s--- Sex is evil. Mommy told me so.
s* I'm married, so I don't get none.
s** I have a few little rug rats to prove I've been there (but with kids around, who has time for sex?)
(For example, sm+ would indicate a male human who has had sex at least once.)
This WereCode list � 1998, WereNet. If you have any comments, additions, etc.
Please ask someone else :">

-If you have any questions or comments regarding the site, please email Jakkal: jakkal@were.net

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This site was last updated February 8, 2001.